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Cell Biology Assays : Essential Methods

Cell Biology Assays : Essential Methods

Kreitzer Geri, Julio E. Celis





299 pages

2.67 MB



[content title="Description"]Cell Biology Assays: Essential methods presents a comprehensive overview of protocols essential for researchers.. Chapters provide clear explanations, step-by-step instruction, tips and potential pitfalls. The important steps and results are illustrated for further ease of use. This text enables researchers at various career levels a plethera of insight into technologies and model systems in biological problem solving. Provids researchers with solutions in lab enviornmentsFeatures an array of essential methods including endocytic pathways, membrances, mitochondira, and vitro motilityInformation on a plethora of technologies needed to tackle complex problems

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[content title="About the author"]Geri Kreitzer is an expert in biology study to make advancement in the related research area. Julio Enrique Celis, Danish Biochemist and educator. Recipient medal College de France, 1987, Wonderful Copenhagen Congress Amb. of the Year prize, 1998, Hirai Memorial award, Japan, 1999. Member Chilean Academy Science, Nordic Molecular Biology Organisation (chairman 1990-1994), European Molecular Biology Organisation, Academia Europaea, Danish RoyalSoc. Science and Letters, Danish Academy Natural Sciences, Human Genome Organisation.



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