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Dark Psychology : Super ADVANCED Techniques to PERSUADE ANYONE, Secretly MANIPULATE People and INFLUENCE Their Behavior Without Them Noticing

Dark Psychology : Super ADVANCED Techniques to PERSUADE ANYONE, Secretly MANIPULATE People and INFLUENCE Their Behavior Without Them Noticing

Richard Campbell





113 pages

1.08 MB



[content title="Description"]Do you ever get the sense that there is something sinister lurking behind some of the nicest people you know?

Perhaps you know someone who is popular with everyone else, but you cannot quite understand why you do not seem to like them yourself. This might be your gut instinct kicking in to protect you.

People are not always who they say they are. Some of the most charming people have very unpleasant sides to them that they hide away from prying eyes. This book challenges a lot of opinions you might have formed about people. It causes you to wonder whether the charming boss that you work with is indeed a nice person or just a manipulative one. [/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]
Richard Delano Campbell (born December 21, 1958, in Miami, Florida, United States) is a former National Football League quarterback who played for the Green Bay Packers (1981–1984) after starring at the University of California in Berkeley. [/content]


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