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The Rational Male : Positive Masculinity

The Rational Male : Positive Masculinity

Rollo Tomassi


3-CreateSpace IPP



967 pages

763 KB



[content title="Description"]Building once more on the core works of The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi, Positive Masculinity is the newest supplemental reading in the series designed to give men, not a prescription, but actionable information to build better lives for themselves based on realistic and objective intersexual dynamics between men and women. Rational and pragmatic, the book outlines four key themes: Red Pill Parenting, The Feminine Nature, Social Imperatives and Positive Masculinity. Free of the pop-psychology pablum about parenting today, Red Pill Parenting is primarily aimed at the fathers (and fathers-to-be) who wanted more in depth information about raising their sons and daughters in a Red Pill aware context. While not an instruction manual, it will give men some insight into how to develop a parenting style based on Red Pill principles as well as what they can expect their kids to encounter from a feminine-primary social order determined to ‘educate’ them. The Feminine Nature is a collection of essays, revised and curated, that specifically address the most predictable aspects of the female psyche. It outlines and explores both the evolutionary and socialized reasons for women’s most common behaviors and their motives, and how men can build this awareness into a more efficient way of interacting with them. Social Imperatives details how the female psyche extrapolates into western (and westernizing) cultural narratives, social dictates and legal and political legislation. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]Sometimes called the "Godfather of the Red Pill", Rollo Tomassi has been a permanent fixture in the 'Manosphere' for 20 years. With a focus on evolutionary psychology and objectivism, Rollo brings a pragmatic, nuts & bolts, approach to intersexual dynamics, men and women's innate natures and their effects on today's society. He is the author of the internationally best selling book series, The Rational Male. Published in 2013, the series' first book, The Rational Male, has become the 'Bible of the Red Pill', positively impacting and saving men's lives worldwide. Since 2011 Rollo has been the essayist/blogger/owner of The Rational Male blog. He is the host of his own YouTube channel, The Rational Male and a rotating host/panelist of Rule Zero, a weekly men's issues show. Rollo is a frequent guest on the Fresh & Fit Podcast as well as the Rich Dad Podcast with Robert Kiyosaki. Rollo lives with his wife of 25 years in Reno, Nevada, along with two (or more) greyhounds. [/content]


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