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Women in Higher Education : An Encyclopedia

Women in Higher Education : An Encyclopedia

Ana M. Martinez Aleman, Kristen A. Renn





662 pages

4.40 MB



[content title="Description"]Compiled and edited by Ana M. Martinez Aleman (Assistant Professor of Education in the Higher Education Program at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College) and Kristen A. Renn (Assistant Professor in the Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education Program at Michigan State University) , Women In Higher Education: An Encyclopedia is an impressive, 635-page social and historical survey women's colleges, female professors, demographic trends connected to race and gender in higher education, and much more. An exhaustively researched collection of essays by a wide variety of learned contributors, Women In Higher Education offers a solid baseline of information and facts from which to build a better future for women everywhere looking to pursue a degree. Organized into sections specifically addressing "Historical and Cultural Contexts"; "Gender Theory and the Academy"; "Feminism in the Academy"; "Women in Curriculum"; "Women and Higher Education Policy"; "Women Students"; "Women Faculty"; "Women Administrators"; and "Women Employees", Women In Higher Education is additionally enhanced with two appendices ("Women's Studies Research Resources" and "Colleges Identifying Themselves as Women's Colleges"); an extensive bibliography, and a comprehensive index. Women In Higher Education is an essential, seminal, indispensable contribution to both Education Studies and Women's Studies reference collections.

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Ana M. Martínez Alemán researches topics at the forefront of higher education and campus culture. Her book Online Social Networking on Campus: Understanding What Matters in Student Culture was the first to explore social media’s impact on campus. Currently, she examines online racialized aggression, and how students of color and first-generation students use technology. Her most recent book explores student sexual violence activism and institutional practice.

The author or coauthor of six books and dozens of publications, she has also delivered more than 100 talks. [/content]


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