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Cancer and Sickle Cell Disease

Author(s):Rebecca Sherman
Publisher:Mason Crest Publishers
Langue: English
Pages: 64 pages

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Millions of children are affected by chronic illnesses such as asthma, diabetes, and ADHD, among others. Additionally, kids with parents or siblings who have chronic conditions also feel the impact. These diseases and disorders alter the childhood experience, pushing kids to face adult challenges that we wish they could avoid. "Living with Diseases and Disorders" presents accurate information on some of the most significant chronic illnesses, including multiple sclerosis, cancer, and Crohn's disease. The book addresses symptoms and treatments while providing comforting tips and advice for managing these conditions, helping kids lead fulfilling lives despite their challenges. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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