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Healing the Emptiness : A Guide to Emotional & Spiritual Well Being

Author(s):Yasmin Mogahed
Publisher:Idify Publishing
Langue: English
Pages: pages
Size:7.71 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] As flawed human beings, we often feel uncomfortable with our imperfections. We seek every possible way to escape our wounds and numb the pain. But what if we didn’t have to hide? What if our wounds could lead us to a deeper understanding of ourselves and of God? What if every scar had a purpose and the journey of healing made us stronger? This life and our entire journey here are not merely ends in themselves; they are purposeful processes crafted by God to shape our hearts and prepare our souls for the Final Meeting with Him. We must embrace this process of refinement and transformation, recognizing that our wounds are integral to it. It will hurt, and at times it may feel like the end. But it is not the end. Our journey continues, and we can emerge from our pain even stronger. In the end, it won’t be how we walked in the sunlight that defines us, but how we faced the storms. It’s not about how fast we ran; it’s about how we fell and then rose again. This book is about discovering strength in God and embracing our dual nature as both human and beautiful—flawed yet inspired. It’s a journey toward understanding that we are imperfect by design, allowing us to find resilience and beauty in relying on the Flawless. This book explores the reasons behind our suffering and how to prevent pain from consuming us. It serves as a spiritual and psychological guide for healing and growth through adversity. Ultimately, it’s about finding peace and purpose, regardless of the challenges we have faced. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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