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Nutritional Oncology: Nutrition in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Survivorship

Author(s):David Heber, Zhaoping Li, Vay Liang
Publisher:CRC Press
Langue: English
Pages: 520 pages
Size:10.18 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] **Nutritional Oncology: Nutrition in Cancer Prevention, Treatment, and Survivorship** offers evidence-based strategies for understanding and implementing nutrition throughout all stages of cancer: prevention, treatment, and survivorship. Interest in the connection between nutrition and cancer dates back many years, but it is only within the last half-century that this interdisciplinary field has garnered scientific validation through a blend of population studies, basic research, and clinical trials. Advances in precision oncology, targeted therapies, and immunonutrition have significantly enhanced approaches to cancer prevention and treatment. This book's core mission is to highlight insights from both Precision Oncology and Precision Nutrition to enhance cancer prevention, treatment, and survival outcomes. The editors bring over 40 years of clinical and research experience, integrating scientific knowledge with practical guidance based on existing evidence for healthcare professionals, while also pointing to future research opportunities for the scientific community. **Key Features:** - An extensive examination of all aspects of nutrition related to cancer, including prevention, treatment responses, relapse avoidance, and improving quality of life for survivors. - An analysis of alternative medicines and botanical dietary supplements, identifying research hypotheses for future exploration grounded in science. This book is designed for doctors, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals who advise cancer patients, survivors, and the general public. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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