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Oxford Textbook of Oncology

Author(s):David J. Kerr, Daniel G. Haller, Cornelis J. H. van de Velde, Michael Baumann (eds.)
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Langue: English
Pages: 832 pages
Size:175.39 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Sure! Here’s a rewritten version of your text in English: --- Authored and edited by globally recognized experts, the new edition of the Oxford Textbook of Oncology has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect advancements across major therapeutic areas, showcasing a multidisciplinary approach to cancer management. Divided into six sections, the book provides an accessible scientific foundation on key oncology topics, exploring how cancer cells grow and function, as well as addressing the etiology of cancer and the general principles that underpin modern treatment strategies. It also discusses the broader challenges of cancer treatment within population groups, emphasizing the need to recognize and support the individual needs of patients during and after treatment. A series of disease-oriented, case-based chapters, covering conditions from acute leukemia to colon cancer, highlights various strategies for managing cancer patients, including the translational application of cancer research to personalize treatment. The insights shared in these cases are relevant worldwide and reflect a contemporary approach to cancer care. The Oxford Textbook of Oncology delivers a comprehensive overview of best practices in the field, making it an essential resource for oncologists at all levels and across all subspecialties. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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