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Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law (Philosophical Foundations of Law)

Author(s):Dahlman, Christian, Stein, Alex, Tuzet, Giovanni
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Langue: English
Pages: 432 pages
Size:5.09 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] *Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law* offers a comprehensive overview of key issues in the theory and methodology of adjudicative evidence and fact-finding. It brings together significant philosophical and interdisciplinary insights that shape evidence theory in the context of law into one cohesive volume. The book addresses contemporary debates surrounding truth, knowledge, rational beliefs, proof, argumentation, explanation, coherence, probability, economics, psychology, bias, gender, and race. It explores various theoretical approaches to legal evidence, including the Bayesian approach, scenario theory, and inference to the best explanation. Contributions come from scholars across three continents and twelve countries, united by their interest in evidence theory as it relates to law. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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