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Single Molecule Chemistry and Physics, An Introduction

Author(s):Chen Wang, Chunli Bai
Langue: English
Pages: 303 pages
Size:6.68 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Characterizing individual molecules has been a scientifically intriguing and challenging endeavor for decades, and it continues to be so today. Recent technological advancements have significantly enhanced our understanding of the structure and behavior of single atoms and molecules in different environments. This book offers an introduction to the key experimental and theoretical methods for characterizing and imaging single molecules, including scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy of surface-bound molecules, fluorescence studies, near-field optical microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Additionally, it explores newly discovered properties of single-molecule systems and their importance in the rapidly evolving field of nanotechnology. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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