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Author(s):Mark Richards
Langue: English
Pages: 47 pages
Size:5.28 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] "Just as developers rely on design patterns in software development, architects utilize well-defined architecture patterns to shape and characterize their designs. Choosing the wrong architecture pattern—or failing to use one—can lead to significant issues, resulting in an architecture that fails to meet requirements. Therefore, it’s essential for architects to be familiar with and understand the various architecture patterns available. In this webcast, I will explore several common architecture patterns, including traditional layered architecture, microservices architecture, space-based architecture, event-driven architecture, and microkernel architecture. I will present real-world examples to illustrate how each pattern operates and outline their advantages and disadvantages. Additionally, I will discuss how requirements and operational considerations influence the choice of patterns. Selecting the right architecture pattern for your system is crucial, as we know that once established, changing the architecture can be very challenging." [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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