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A Pharmacology Primer, Theory, Applications, and Methods

Book Details
Author Terry Kenakin
Publisher Academic Press
Year 2006
Language English
Pages 299
Size 4.70 MB
Format PDF


This book, written by Terry Kenakin and published by Academic Press, provides a comprehensive guide on the theories, applications, and methods in pharmacology. It explores fundamental pharmacology concepts, experimental methods, and clinical applications of drugs. With 299 pages of detailed content, this book is an essential reference for students and professionals in the field.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive guide on pharmacology
  • Practical applications and discussions on drug treatments
  • Written by a recognized expert in the field

About the Author

Terry Kenakin is an internationally renowned pharmacologist with many years of experience in research and teaching. He has contributed to numerous publications and is recognized for his expertise in pharmacology.


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