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Complex Decision Making: Theory and Practice

Author(s):Hassan Qudrat-Ullah, J. Michael Spector, Paal Davidsen
Langue: English
Pages: 337 pages
Size:5.44 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] The increasingly complex landscape of today's world, driven by technological innovation and global communication, creates a multitude of potential and actual interactions. Meanwhile, limited physical and intellectual resources place significant constraints on decision makers, whether in the public or private sectors. At the heart of the decision-making process lies the need for high-quality information, enabling decision makers to better assess the impact of their decisions in terms of outcomes, nonlinear feedback processes, and time delays, all of which influence the performance of complex systems. This volume offers a timely and comprehensive review of the principles underlying complex decision-making, addressing the management of uncertainties in dynamic environments and exploring various modeling approaches. The book is organized into five parts, each consisting of several chapters: **I: Complex Decision Making: Concepts, Theories, and Empirical Evidence** **II: Tools and Techniques for Decision Making in Complex Environments and Systems** **III: System Dynamics and Agent-Based Modeling** **IV: Methodological Issues** **V: Future Directions** This structured approach provides an in-depth examination of both theoretical foundations and practical tools for navigating the challenges of decision making in today's intricate and rapidly changing environments. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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