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Crime, Procedure and Evidence in a Comparative and International Context: Essays in Honour of Professor Mirjan Damaska (Studies in International & Comparative Criminal Law)

Author(s):John Jackson, Maximo Langer, Peter Tillers
Publisher:Hart Publishing
Langue: English
Pages: 451 pages
Size:1.80 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] This festschrift honors the distinguished work of Professor Mirjan Damaška, Sterling Professor of Law at Yale Law School, and a leading authority for many years in the fields of comparative law, procedural law, evidence, international criminal law, and continental legal history. Professor Damaška is celebrated for his groundbreaking contributions, offering fresh perspectives on understanding various legal traditions. To recognize the breadth and depth of his scholarship and explore its implications for the future, the editors have gathered an exceptional group of scholars from diverse jurisdictions and fields, including criminal law, comparative law, international law, evidence, and legal theory. The book begins with an introduction by the editors and a tribute by Harold Koh, Dean of Yale Law School. It is then structured into three distinct sections. The first part delves into key insights drawn from Professor Damaška’s work in evidence, criminal law, and legal theory. The second part examines contemporary developments in national and international criminal procedure, focusing on the convergence of practices across various jurisdictions and the rising significance of international criminal law. The final section evaluates Professor Damaška’s impact on comparative law, addressing the challenges faced by the field in the 21st century. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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