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Criminal Law and Procedure (West Legal Studies)

Author(s):Daniel E. (Daniel E. Hall) Hall
Publisher:Delmar Cengage Learning
Langue: English
Pages: 640 pages
Size:3.79 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] *Criminal Law and Procedure, Fifth Edition* offers a thorough overview of both criminal law and criminal procedure. The text is tailored for use in combined courses covering both subjects or can be adapted for programs that teach them separately. The first half of the book focuses on the elements of crimes, the various parties involved in criminal acts, and key legal defenses, including constitutional, statutory, and factual defenses. The second half covers the roles of the parties within the criminal justice system, the constitutional framework underpinning criminal law, and the law governing searches, seizures, arrests, interrogations, and other law enforcement practices. It also explores the criminal case process, from initial appearance to appeal. Contemporary issues, such as the impact of terrorism on criminal procedure, are addressed throughout the text. Case excerpts are included to encourage student engagement and stimulate class discussion. The book's pedagogical approach emphasizes the development of problem-solving and analytical skills, encouraging students to think critically about criminal law and procedure. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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