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Encyclopedia of decision making and decision support technologies

Book Details
AuthorFrederic Adam, Patrick Humphreys
PublisherInformation Science Reference
Size16.30 MB


The *Encyclopedia of Decision Making and Decision Support Technologies* is a comprehensive reference that explores the fundamental theories, methodologies, and applications of decision support systems (DSS). Covering topics such as artificial intelligence in decision making, business intelligence tools, and data-driven decision support, this book provides valuable insights into how technology enhances decision-making processes across various industries.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of decision-making theories and frameworks.
  • In-depth analysis of decision support systems and business intelligence applications.
  • Discussions on AI, machine learning, and big data in decision making.
  • Case studies illustrating real-world applications of DSS.
  • Contributions from leading researchers and experts in the field.

About the Authors

Frederic Adam is a professor specializing in information systems and decision support technologies. He has published extensively on business intelligence and decision-making processes.

Patrick Humphreys is an expert in cognitive science and decision analysis. His research focuses on human decision-making behaviors and the role of technology in enhancing decision quality.


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