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Genetic Diseases of the Eye

Book Details
Author Elias I. Traboulsi (ed.)
Publisher Oxford University Press
Year 2011
Language English
Pages 994
Size 34.84 MB
Format PDF


Discover the genetic diseases of the eye with this comprehensive book by Elias I. Traboulsi. This book covers a wide range of genetic eye diseases, offering an in-depth understanding of each condition. It addresses topics such as eye anatomy, genetic mutations, and current and future therapies for these diseases.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive and detailed
  • References to recent studies
  • Color illustrations
  • Clinical cases and real case studies
  • Discussion on recent advances in ocular genetics

About the Author

Elias I. Traboulsi is a renowned expert in the field of genetic ophthalmology. He is the editor of this book and has contributed to numerous scientific studies on eye diseases. He is also a professor of ophthalmology at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. His work has helped advance the understanding and treatment of genetic eye diseases.


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