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Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Book Details
Author John Bessant, John R. Bessant, Joe Tidd
Publisher Wiley
Year 2015
Language English
Pages 542
Size 10.29 MB
Extension PDF


Innovation and Entrepreneurship by John Bessant, John R. Bessant, and Joe Tidd is a definitive guide to understanding the dynamics of innovation and entrepreneurship in the modern business world. The book explores how organizations can cultivate a culture of innovation, develop entrepreneurial strategies, and adapt to changing market conditions. It covers a wide range of topics, including the innovation process, managing innovation, and the role of entrepreneurship in driving business growth. With real-world examples, case studies, and practical tools, this book is an invaluable resource for students, entrepreneurs, and business professionals looking to harness the power of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of innovation and entrepreneurship principles.
  • Practical tools and frameworks for fostering innovation in organizations.
  • Real-world examples and case studies to illustrate key concepts.
  • Insights into managing innovation and developing entrepreneurial strategies.
  • Focus on adapting to changing market conditions and competitive landscapes.
  • Written by leading experts in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship.

About Author

John Bessant and Joe Tidd are renowned experts in the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship. John Bessant is a professor of innovation and entrepreneurship at the University of Exeter, known for his extensive research and publications on innovation management. Joe Tidd is a professor of technology and innovation management at the University of Sussex, with a focus on the integration of innovation and entrepreneurship. Together, they bring decades of academic and practical experience to this book, offering readers a well-rounded perspective on how to drive innovation and entrepreneurial success in today's fast-paced business environment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I learn by reading this book?

A: This book provides a deep understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship, including how to foster innovation, develop entrepreneurial strategies, and adapt to changing market conditions. It also offers practical tools and real-world examples to help you apply these concepts in your own business or career.

Q: Is this book suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, this book is written in an accessible style, making it suitable for beginners. It provides clear explanations and step-by-step guidance for understanding and applying the principles of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Q: Is this book recommended for professionals?

A: Absolutely. This book is highly recommended for professionals in business, management, and entrepreneurship. It offers valuable insights and practical tools for driving innovation and entrepreneurial success in any organization.

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