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Legal Knowledge and Information Systems: JURIX 2006 - the Nineteenth Annual Conference

Book Details
AuthorT.M. Van Engers
PublisherIOS Press
Size1.96 MB


This book presents cutting-edge research in the field of legal informatics, focusing on artificial intelligence applications in the legal domain. Topics include legal knowledge representation, argumentation, decision support systems, and formal logic approaches to legal reasoning. The JURIX conference has been a key platform for discussing advancements in computational law, and this volume captures the latest developments and debates from 2006.

Key Features

  • Explores AI-driven legal reasoning and argumentation frameworks.
  • Provides insights into knowledge representation for legal systems.
  • Discusses computational models for legal decision-making.
  • Includes research from leading experts in legal informatics.
  • Focuses on the intersection of law and artificial intelligence.

About the Author

T.M. Van Engers is a renowned researcher in legal informatics and artificial intelligence. His work focuses on the intersection of law and technology, particularly in the development of intelligent legal information systems. He has contributed extensively to the JURIX community and has played a significant role in advancing legal knowledge representation and reasoning.


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