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Measurement Judgment and Decision Making

Author(s):Michael H. Birnbaum
Publisher: Academic Press
Langue: English
Pages: 367 pages

[tab] [content title="Summary"] *Measurement, Judgment, and Decision Making* offers an excellent introduction to the fundamental issue of measurement, a cornerstone of psychological science and a key to all scientific inquiry. Written by leading researchers in the field, the book covers a wide range of topics, including measurement theory, psychophysical scaling, multidimensional scaling, stimulus categorization, and behavioral decision making. Each chapter provides a clear and concise summary, offering an accessible entry point for scholars wishing to explore these areas in more depth. This book is essential reading for any psychologist who manipulates an independent variable to influence a psychological construct or who uses numerical dependent variables to measure psychological phenomena. It provides foundational definitions and summarizes key theories, presenting both new developments and ongoing debates in the field. Additionally, it offers citations to relevant literature and explains the relationships between different areas of measurement, as well as their historical connections. **Key Features**: - Written by leading experts in measurement, psychophysical scaling, multidimensional scaling, stimulus categorization, and behavioral decision making - Provides clear definitions and summaries of key theories - Includes citations to important literature for further study - Discusses new developments, current controversies, and unresolved questions in the field - Explores the connections between different measurement fields and their historical evolution [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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