Deepak Chopra | ||||
Harmony | ||||
2019 | ||||
English | ||||
368 pages | ||||
1.76 MB | ||||
[tab] [content title="Summary"] *Higher Consciousness* refers to a heightened state of awareness that allows individuals to transcend ordinary thinking and connect to deeper layers of their being, unlocking their full human potential. In *Meta-Human*, Deepak Chopra—bestselling author of *You Are the Universe*—guides us through the process of awakening this higher state, which has the potential to transform our physical health, mental clarity, and spiritual well-being. At the core of this journey is the concept of "flow"—a state of focused presence often experienced during moments of creativity, enlightenment, or peak performance. In *Meta-Human*, Chopra explores how we can tap into this flow to enhance our intelligence, speed, strength, and overall well-being. What if you could become 10–20% smarter, faster, and stronger, not by pushing yourself to unnatural extremes, but by simply unlocking the hidden potential within you? Drawing from cutting-edge research in brain science, artificial intelligence, biometrics, and the wisdom traditions of both Eastern and Western thought, Chopra presents a practical program designed to "wake up" the deepest, most intimate layers of our consciousness. By activating higher states of awareness, we can experience greater clarity, empathy, and mental acuity. When flow and higher consciousness become real and accessible, human existence can undergo an evolutionary leap—moving toward a "meta-human" existence that allows us to address the pressing challenges we face individually, collectively, and globally. Chopra argues that enlightenment—often laden with religious or antiquated associations—should simply be understood as "waking up to reality." This awakening, though simple in concept, has a profound and revolutionary effect on anyone who experiences it, offering a deeper connection to life and a greater capacity to navigate the complexities of the modern world. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]
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