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Oracle 19c EXADATA

Author(s):A, Tanveer
Langue: English
Pages: pages
Size:9.33 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] This *Oracle 19c Exadata* book provides a comprehensive introduction to the Oracle Exadata Database Machine, highlighting the features and capabilities of the Exadata Database Machine X8 product family. The Oracle Exadata Database Machine is a highly optimized platform for running Oracle Databases. It combines both hardware and software components, including scale-out compute and storage servers, RoCE or InfiniBand networking, persistent memory, NVMe flash storage, and specialized software for enhanced performance. Key topics covered in this book include: - **Exadata Database Machine Features & Configurations**: Learn about the various features and configurations of Exadata, with a focus on the unique capabilities offered by the Exadata Storage Server. - **Exadata Storage Server**: Understand how Exadata Storage Server differs from traditional database storage systems, and explore its key features and capabilities. - **Initial Configuration**: Step-by-step guidance on how to configure your Exadata Database Machine, along with best practices for making critical up-front configuration decisions. - **Security for Exadata Storage Server**: Learn how to implement security measures to protect your Exadata Storage Server. - **Exadata Smart Scan**: Understand how to use query execution plans, statistics, and wait events to optimize Exadata Smart Scan performance. - **Consolidation Best Practices**: Discover the options and best-practice recommendations for consolidating workloads on Exadata Database Machine. - **Maintenance Tasks**: Learn about essential maintenance tasks required for Exadata Database Machine to ensure its optimal performance and reliability. - **Monitoring Exadata Database Machine**: Explore the built-in monitoring infrastructure within Exadata, along with monitoring capabilities exposed through Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. Additionally, you’ll learn about other Oracle-supplied utilities for monitoring Exadata Database Machine. This book is an essential resource for anyone looking to deploy, configure, maintain, and monitor Oracle Exadata Database Machines, providing both foundational knowledge and advanced tips for efficient management and optimization. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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