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Principles of Clinical Pharmacology

Author(s):A. Atinson, et al.
Langue: English
Pages: 545 pages
Size:7.88 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] The revised *Second Edition* explores the pharmacologic principles crucial to the individualization of patient therapy and modern drug development, emphasizing the fundamentals that drive both the clinical use and contemporary progress of pharmaceuticals. The book brings together authors from academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and government agencies to provide a comprehensive overview, covering the full range of material—including pharmacokinetic practice questions—typically included in the basic science section of the certifying examination offered by the American Board of Clinical Pharmacology. This unique reference is endorsed by the Board as a recommended study text and features modules on drug discovery and development. These additions make it an invaluable resource not only for students but also for practicing pharmacologists, providing a detailed and practical guide to both the theory and practice of clinical pharmacology. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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