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An episodic history of mathematics. Mathematical culture through problem solving

Book Details
Author Steven G. Krantz
Publisher Mathematical Association of America
Year 2006
Language English
Pages 471
Size 1.32 MB
Extension PDF


This book provides a detailed exploration of the history of mathematics through problem-solving techniques, offering insights into mathematical culture.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of mathematical history
  • Focus on problem-solving techniques
  • Authored by Steven G. Krantz
  • Published by the Mathematical Association of America

About Author

Steven G. Krantz is a renowned mathematician and author, known for his contributions to mathematical literature and education. He has written numerous books and articles on various mathematical topics.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I learn by reading this book?

A: You can learn about the history of mathematics and various problem-solving techniques.

Q: Is this book suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, it is suitable for beginners who are interested in mathematics and problem-solving.

Q: Is this book recommended for professionals?

A: Yes, professionals can also benefit from the in-depth exploration of mathematical culture and problem-solving methods.

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