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Artificial intelligence and literary creativity: inside the mind of BRUTUS, a storytelling machine

Book Details
Author Selmer Bringsjord, David Ferrucci
Publisher L. Erlbaum Associates
Year 2000
Language English
Pages 230
Size 1.78 MB
Extension PDF


This book explores the intersection of artificial intelligence and literary creativity, focusing on the capabilities of BRUTUS, a storytelling machine.

Key Features

  • In-depth analysis of BRUTUS, a storytelling machine
  • Exploration of AI's role in literary creativity
  • Insights from experts Selmer Bringsjord and David Ferrucci

About Author

Selmer Bringsjord is a professor of cognitive science, computer science, and logic & philosophy at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. David Ferrucci is an AI researcher known for leading the team that developed IBM's Watson.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I learn by reading this book?

A: You can learn about the intersection of artificial intelligence and literary creativity, and gain insights into the capabilities of BRUTUS, a storytelling machine.

Q: Is this book suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, it provides foundational knowledge that can be understood by beginners interested in AI and literary creativity.

Q: Is this book recommended for professionals?

A: Absolutely, professionals in AI and literature will find valuable insights and advanced concepts in this book.

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