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The Power of Culture: Driving Today's Organisation

Book Details
Author AIM
Publisher McGraw-Hill Professional
Year 2003
Language English
Pages 244
Size 690 KB
Extension PDF


"The Power of Culture: Driving Today's Organisation" provides managers with the means to harness the power of culture to drive strategy. It presents an overview of the concept of organisational culture, its management and leadership implications, and its practical application. The book explores the skills managers need to assess, comprehend, integrate, and manage culture to turn the soft, people stuff into a competitive advantage.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive coverage of organisational culture and its impact on management and leadership
  • Practical applications and strategies for integrating culture into business strategy
  • Insights from leading management thinkers and practitioners
  • Focus on the role of managers in shaping and leading organisational culture
  • Case studies and real-world examples

About Author

The Australian Institute of Management (AIM) is a leading professional membership organisation for managers and leaders. AIM provides a range of services, including training, development, and networking opportunities, to help managers and leaders achieve their professional goals. The institute is known for its high-quality publications and resources on management and leadership.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I learn by reading this book?

A: You can learn about the concept of organisational culture, its management and leadership implications, and practical strategies for integrating culture into business strategy.

Q: Is this book suitable for beginners?

A: Yes, it provides a comprehensive introduction to organisational culture, making it suitable for beginners.

Q: Is this book recommended for professionals?

A: Absolutely, it offers in-depth insights and practical applications that are valuable for professionals.

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