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Contributor Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in becoming a contributor to Biblio-Sciences. We welcome passionate writers and enthusiasts who share our love for literature and science. Before you submit your work, please read our contributor guidelines to ensure a smooth and collaborative experience.

Content Guidelines:

  1. Originality: We value original content. Please submit articles and book reviews that are unique and not published elsewhere.
  2. Relevance: Ensure that your content aligns with our focus on literature and science. We accept book reviews and scientific articles on a wide range of topics within these domains.
  3. Quality: Maintain high writing and research standards. We appreciate well-researched, well-written, and engaging content.

Submission Process:

  1. Pitch: Contact us with your content idea or book review proposal. We'll review your pitch and provide feedback.
  2. Submission: If your pitch is approved, submit your full article or book review in a Word document format. Include any relevant images or citations.
  3. Editing: Our editorial team may perform light editing for clarity and style, but we value the author's voice.

Author Recognition:

We believe in giving credit where it's due. As a contributor to Biblio-Sciences, your work will be attributed to you, and we encourage you to include a brief bio with each submission.


By submitting your work to Biblio-Sciences, you agree to grant us non-exclusive rights to publish, edit, and promote your content on our platform. You retain the rights to your work and can republish it elsewhere after it appears on our site.

Feedback and Collaboration:

We believe in open communication and collaboration. Our editorial team will provide feedback to help you improve your writing. We welcome your ideas and suggestions to enhance our content and community.

How to Get Started:

If you're ready to contribute or have questions about our guidelines, please contact us. We look forward to working with you and sharing your insights with our readers.

Thank you for considering Biblio-Sciences as a platform for your literary and scientific contributions. Together, we can inspire, inform, and engage our community.


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