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AGRIPPINA : Sex, Power, and Politics in the Early Empire

AGRIPPINA : Sex, Power, and Politics in the Early Empire

Anthony A. Barrett

Roman Imperial Biographies




353 pages

1.28 MB



[content title="Description"]Agrippina the Younger attained a level of power in first-century Rome unprecedented for a woman. According to ancient sources, she achieved her success by plotting against her brother, the emperor Caligula, murdering her husband, the emperor Claudius, and controlling her son, the emperor Nero, by sleeping with him. Modern scholars tend to accept this verdict. But in his dynamic biography-the first on Agrippina in English-Anthony Barrett paints a startling new picture of this influential woman. Drawing on the latest archaeological, numismatic, and historical evidence, Barrett argues that Agrippina has been misjudged. Although she was ambitious, says Barrett, she made her way through ability and determination rather than by sexual allure, and her political contributions to her time seem to have been positive. After Agrippina's marriage to Claudius there was a marked decline in the number of judicial executions and there was close cooperation between the Senate and the emperor; the settlement of Cologne, founded under her aegis, was a model of social harmony; and the first five years of Nero's reign, while she was still alive, were the most enlightened of his rule. According to Barrett, Agrippina's one real failing was her relationship with her son, the monster of her own making who had her murdered in horrific and violent circumstances. Agrippina's impact was so lasting, however, that for some 150 years after her death no woman in the imperial family dared assume an assertive political role.

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[content title="About the author"]Born July 30, 1941, in Worthing, Sussex, England; son of Anthony (a professional soldier) and Elizabeth Henderson (maiden name, Noble; later surname, O'Keefe) Barrett; married Doreen Horrocks (a teacher), August 20, 1964; children: Jaqueline, Sarah. Education: University of Durham, B.A., 1964; University of Toronto, M.A., Ph.D., 1968; Oxford University, diploma in classical archaeology, 1975. [/content]


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The Surface Chemistry of Natural Particles

The Surface Chemistry of Natural Particles

Garrison Sposito


Oxford University Press, USA



253 pages

2.12 MB



[content title="Description"]This book recounts the development of experiment and theory in natural particle surface chemistry over the past 20 years. It offers a broadly based discussion of molecular spectroscopy, kinetics, and equilibria as they apply to natural particle surface reactions in aqueous media, with emphasis on insights gained over the past few years. After a review of qualitative notions about ion adsorption by natural particles, the strategies and theory of four spectroscopic approaches to studying natural particles are described, current models of surface chemical kinetics and equilibria are examined, and natural particle colloidal phenomena are detailed. Discussion is accompanied by lengthy annotations and reading suggestions, and punctuated by end-of-chapter problem sets that require a critical reading of important technical journal articles.

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Professor Sposito has been elected a Fellow of six international scientific societies and has been a Fulbright Lecturer (Theoretical Physics) as well as a Guggenheim Fellow (Applied Mathematics). He received the Soil Science Research Award from the Soil Science Society of America, and in 2008 was designated a “Legend in Environmental Chemistry” by the American Chemical Society, the world’s largest scientific organization. He is the recipient of three hydrologic science honors bestowed by the American Geophysical Union, the world's largest earth science organization, including its Robert E. Horton Medal, for "outstanding contributions to the geophysical aspects of hydrology;" the Hydrologic Sciences Award of its Hydrology Section, for "outstanding contributions to the science of hydrology;" and the Walter B. Langbein Lectureship, "awarded for contributions to the basic science of hydrology." A Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Excellence laureate, he is also the only person to receive campus-wide Distinguished Teaching Awards from both state university systems in California. [/content]


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Elements de géométrie Niveau M1

 Elements de géométrie Niveau M1

Yger A., Henaut A.

Mathématiques à l'Université

Ellipses Marketing



385 pages

6.01 MB



[content title="Description"] La collection Mathématiques à l'Université se propose de mettre à la disposition des étudiants de troisième, quatrième et cinquième années d'études supérieures en mathématiques des ouvrages couvrant l'essentiel des programmes actuels des universités françaises. Certains de ces ouvrages pourront être utiles aussi aux étudiants qui préparent le CAPES ou l'agrégation, ainsi qu'aux élèves des grandes écoles. Nous avons voulu rendre ces livres accessibles à tous : les sujets traités sont présentés de manière simple et progressive, tout en respectant scrupuleusement la rigueur mathématique. Chaque volume comporte un exposé du cours avec des démonstrations détaillées de tous les résultats essentiels et de nombreux exercices. Les auteurs de ces ouvrages ont tous une grande expérience de l'enseignement des mathématiques au niveau supérieur. Cet ouvrage présente, sous une forme unifiée, l[/content]

[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"] Biographie de Alain Yger
Professeur à l'Université de Bordeaux.
Alain Henaut
Professeur Emérite


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Extensions de corps Théorie de Galois, Niveau M1-M2

 Extensions de corps Théorie de Galois, Niveau M1-M2

Calais J.

Mathématiques à l'Université

Ellipses Marketing



234 pages

3.26 MB



[content title="Description"] Ce livre sur les Extensions de corps, incluant la Théorie de Galois, est une suite logique de l'ouvrage du même auteur, Eléments et théorie des anneaux dans la même collection. Il fait naturellement référence au livre Eléments de théorie des groupes publié aux Presses Universitaires de France, en raison du rôle important des groupes en Théorie de Galois.
Ces trois ouvrages constituent un ensemble cohérent de connaissances de base, en Algèbre générale, pour un étudiant se dirigeant vers la préparation à l'agrégation ou vers un master recherche, en mathématiques.[/content]

[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"] Josette Calais est professeur émérite à l'Université de Reims-Champagne-Ardenne. Elle est l'auteur des Eléments de théorie des groupes, publié aux Presses Universitaires de France.[/content]


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Elon Musk: The Greatest Lessons Through the Inspiring Life of Elon Musk

Elon Musk: The Greatest Lessons Through the Inspiring Life of Elon Musk

Evander Watson


CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform



62 pages

529 Ko



[content title="Description"] Description

Discover the Greatest Lessons in the life of Elon Musk!

Elon Musk: The Greatest Lessons through the Inspiring Life of Elon Musk is a short-read pact with all the important life lessons of Elon Musk. You will experience a cross between a biographical account of his life and a motivational toolkit with the best advice to follow suite of such grand success.

Excerpt from the Forward

...One such great man is Elon Musk, as a young man, Musk determined three main things that were likely to change the world in his lifetime, the internet, renewable energy and space travel. Then, he set out to make a splash in those three arenas. Starting with a $28,000 loan, he formed an early internet startup business, made $22 million, from what was the largest ever startup sale at the time, created a company that eventually became half of PayPal and then used the money from the sale of that company to create a cheaper form of space travel and invest heavily in electric cars....

If you read to discover secrets of the successful, or to better understand historical figures, or even just to take a break from the rest of the world, no matter what the reason, this book will be a great addition to your bookshelf.[/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"] [/content]


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Einstein en 3 minutes : Sa vie, ses théories et son influence en un rien de temps

Einstein en 3 minutes : Sa vie, ses théories et son influence en un rien de temps

Paul Parsons

En 3 minutes




247 pages

5.70 Mo



[content title="Description"] Description

Vous savez qu’Einstein est à l’origine de la formule E = mc2, sans toutefois la comprendre. Vous connaissez cette fameuse photo du physicien tirant la langue, en ignorant tout du personnage. Vous avez entendu évoquer les théories de la relativité sans jamais oser demander ce dont il s’agissait. Désormais, grâce à Einstein en 3 minutes, vous saurez tout de son œuvre en un rien de temps.

Cet ouvrage de vulgarisation intelligente vous éclairera sur la vie, les théories et l’influence de celui qui révolutionna la physique. Chaque double page, abondamment illustrée, présente un aspect de son histoire personnelle ou de son apport scientifique en trois courts paragraphes très clairs, à lire en 3 minutes. Chacun des trois chapitres renferme ainsi une heure de découvertes fascinantes.
Vous accéderez à la pensée de l’une des figures majeures de la physique, prix Nobel en 1921, qui provoqua dans l’histoire des sciences une mutation comparable à celle initiée par Newton deux siècles plus tôt. Avec ses théories de la relativité, il bouleversa profondément les notions physiques d’espace et de temps.

Einstein en 3 minutes vous familiarisera instantanément avec ce génie, qui fut également un défenseur infatigable des droits de l’homme. Un livre qui se parcourt à la vitesse de la lumière![/content]

[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur de l'ouvrage"] Auteur de l'ouvrage

Paul Parsons est Docteur en physique et titulaire d'un doctorat en cosmologie. Il a été rédacteur en chef du magazine mensuel de science et technologie de la BBC Focus, récipiendaire de nombreux prix.[/content]


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A Certain Amount of Madness: The Life, Politics and Legacies of Thomas Sankara

A Certain Amount of Madness: The Life, Politics and Legacies of Thomas Sankara

Amber Murrey


Pluto Press

20 mars 2018


400 pages

5 Mo



[content title="Description"] Description

Thomas Sankara was one of Africa's most important anti-imperialist leaders of the late 20th Century. His declaration that fundamental socio-political change would require a 'certain amount of madness' drove the Burkinabe Revolution and resurfaced in the country's popular uprising in 2014. This book looks at Sankara's political philosophies and legacies and their relevance today. Analyses of his synthesis of Pan-Africanism and humanist Marxist politics, as well as his approach to gender, development, ecology and decolonisation offer new insights to Sankarist political philosophies. Critical evaluations of the limitations of the revolution examine his relationship with labour unions and other aspects of his leadership style. His legacy is revealed by looking at contemporary activists, artists and politicians who draw inspiration from Sankarist thought in social movement struggles today, from South Africa to Burkina Faso. In the 30th anniversary of his assassination, this book illustrates how Sankara's political praxis continues to provide lessons and hope for decolonisation struggles today.[/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"] About the author

Amber Murrey is postdoctoral fellow in sociology at The American University in Cairo, Egypt.[/content]


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Les fils cachés d'Adolf Hitler. Sur les traces du caporal peintre en Flandres

Les fils cachés d'Adolf Hitler. Sur les traces du caporal peintre en Flandres

Daniel-Charles Luytens


Jourdan Editeur

22 février 2006


189 pages

5 Mo



[content title="Description"] Description

Cet ouvrage dévoile la face cachée de l'un des plus grands bourreaux du XXe siècle, exterminateur de races mais aussi père de famille : Adolf Hitler. Estafette lors de la Première Guerre mondiale en Flandres, celui-ci aurait eu deux enfants de liaisons aussi éphémères qu'inattendues avec deux jeunes femmes. Qui étaient-elles ? Pourquoi le futur maître du IIIe Reich les a-t-il aimées ? Que sont devenus les fruits de ses amours ? Toutes les réponses à ces questions se trouvent dans ce livre, bâti à partir d'une enquête minutieuse et offrant un voyage dans le temps particulièrement étonnant.[/content]

[content title="Sommaire"] Sommaire

-Les amours d'un caporal devenu chef de guerre

-Destination : les Flandres et leurs horreurs

-" Nous sommes devenus des animaux dangereux "

-Le " fils de Boche "

-Une Mercedes blindée sillonne les Flandres

-L'homme s'appelait Adolf Hitler

-Correspondance inédite

-La presse : " Une énigme de l'Histoire "[/content]

[content title="Auteur de l'ouvrage"] Auteur de l'ouvrage

Daniel-Charles Luytens est conférencier et véritable chercheur de terrain. Les découvertes faites lors de ses investigations servent à alimenter ses nombreuses conférences. Devant le succès de celles-ci, il passe aujourd'hui à l'écriture.[/content]


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Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose

Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose

Joe Biden


Flatiron Books



304 pages

918 Ko



[content title="Description"] Description

In November 2014, the Biden family gathered on Nantucket for their traditional Thanksgiving celebration; it was the one constant in their hectic, scrutinized, and over-scheduled lives. But this year felt different from all those that had come before. Joe and Jill Biden’s eldest son, Beau, had been diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor, and his survival was uncertain. “Promise me, Dad,” Beau had told his father. “Give me your word that no matter what happens, you’re going to be all right.” Promise Me, Dad chronicles the year that followed, the most momentous and challenging in Joe Biden’s extraordinary life and career.[/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"] About the author

Joe Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the U.S. Senate before serving as 47th Vice President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. As the Vice President, Joe Biden addressed important issues facing the nation and represented America abroad, traveling over 1.2 million miles to more than 50 countries. He convened sessions of the President’s Cabinet, led interagency efforts, and worked with Congress in his fight to raise the living standards of middle class Americans, reduce gun violence, address violence against women, and end cancer as we know it.

Since leaving the White House, Vice President Biden continues his legacy of expanding opportunity for all with the creation of the Biden Foundation, the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement at the University of Pennsylvania, and the Biden Domestic Policy Institute at the University of Delaware. He is the author of Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics and the memoir Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose.[/content]


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Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America

Killing Crazy Horse: The Merciless Indian Wars in America

Bill O'Reilly

Bill O'Reilly's Killing Series

Henry Holt and Co.



320 pages

118 MB



[content title="Description"]

The latest installment of the multimillion-selling Killing series is a gripping journey through the American West and the historic clashes between Native Americans and settlers.

The bloody Battle of Tippecanoe was only the beginning. It's 1811 and President James Madison has ordered the destruction of Shawnee warrior chief Tecumseh's alliance of tribes in the Great Lakes region. But while General William Henry Harrison would win this fight, the armed conflict between Native Americans and the newly formed United States would rage on for decades.

Bestselling authors Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard venture through the fraught history of our country's founding on already occupied lands, from General Andrew Jackson's brutal battles with the Creek Nation to President James Monroe's epic "sea to shining sea" policy, to President Martin Van Buren's cruel enforcement of a "treaty" that forced the Cherokee Nation out of their homelands along what would be...


[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Bill O'Reilly is a trailblazing TV journalist who has experienced unprecedented success on cable news and in writing fifteen national bestselling nonfiction books. (There are currently more than seventeen million books in the Killing series in print.) Mr. O'Reilly does a daily podcast on BillOReilly.com, and his daily radio program, The O'Reilly Update, is heard on hundreds of stations across the country. He lives on Long Island.

Martin Dugard is the New York Times bestselling author of several books of history, among them the Killing series, Into Africa, and The Explorers. He and his wife live in southern California with their three sons. [/content]


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