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Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT (Advances in Stylistics)

Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT (Advances in Stylistics)

Michael Burke (editor), Szilvia Csabi (editor), Lara Week (editor), Judit Zerkowitz (editor)



Pedagogical Stylistics: Current Trends in Language, Literature and ELT (Advances in Stylistics)

Author(s):Michael Burke (editor), Szilvia Csabi (editor), Lara Week (editor), Judit Zerkowitz (editor)
Langue: English
228 Pages: pages
Size:1.80 MB

This book provides a comprehensive global overview of contemporary theories and practices in the teaching of stylistics, as well as the use of stylistic techniques in the instruction of other subjects. Pedagogical stylistics focuses on incorporating stylistic analysis into teaching, aiming to help students gain a deeper understanding of literature and language, while also enhancing their language acquisition skills. It also addresses effective teaching strategies within the field of stylistics. The book covers a wide array of interconnected topics, such as hypertext, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English as a Second Language (ESL), poetry, creative writing, and metaphor. Renowned experts present detailed, empirical research on specific developments, offering thorough examinations of both theoretical frameworks and practical teaching approaches. This interdisciplinary work integrates linguistics and literature through the lens of current pedagogical methodologies, extending from general higher education to more specialized EFL and ESL teaching. The role of stylistics in language acquisition remains a relatively underexplored area, and this collection provides academics and educators with the latest trends in pedagogical stylistics, along with insightful analyses of various teaching techniques.

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