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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est MATHEMATIQUES ECONOMIQUES. Afficher tous les articles


Preventing Accidents Super Series

Preventing Accidents Super Series

Institute of Leadership & Mana

ILM Super Series

Pergamon Flexible Learning



129 pages

1.35 MB


With forty well structured and easy to follow topics to choose from, each workbook has a wide range of case studies, questions and activities to meet both an individual or organization's training needs. Whether studying for an ILM qualification or looking to enhance the skills of your employees, Super Series provides essential solutions, frameworks and techniques to support management and leadership development.
*Developed by the ILM to support their Level 3 Introductory Certificate and Certificate in First Line Management
*Well-structured and easy to follow
*Fully revised and updated
Since 1947, we’ve strived to inspire great leadership, everywhere. To celebrate, we've put together some key facts from the year we were founded, along with a selection of our most popular leadership content – including our top webinars, blogs, podcasts and reports.

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The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability

The Application of Biotechnology to Industrial Sustainability


Sustainable Development

OECD Publishing



137 pages

1.11 MB


Biotechnology can help improve the environmental friendliness of industrial activities and lower both capital expenditure and operating costs. It can also help reduce raw material and energy inputs and waste
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is an intergovernmental organisation with 38 member countries, founded in 1961

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Econometric analysis of financial and economic time series - Part A

Econometric analysis of financial and economic time series - Part A

Dek Terrell, Thomas B. B Fomby

Advances in Econometrics

Emerald Group Publishing Limited



407 pages

4.24 MB


The editors are pleased to offer the following papers to the reader in recognition and appreciation of the contributions to our literature made by Robert Engle and Sir Clive Granger, winners of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Economics. The basic themes of this part of Volume 20 of Advances in Econometrics are time varying betas of the capital asset pricing model, analysis of predictive densities of nonlinear models of stock returns, modelling multivariate dynamic correlations, flexible seasonal time series models, estimation of long-memory time series models, the application of the technique of boosting in volatility forecasting, the use of different time scales in GARCH modelling, out-of-sample evaluation of the 'Fed Model' in stock price valuation, structural change as an alternative to long memory, the use of smooth transition auto-regressions in stochastic volatility modelling, the analysis of the "balanced-ness" of regressions analyzing Taylor-Type rules of the Fed Funds rate, a mixture-of-experts approach for the estimation of stochastic volatility, a modern assessment of Clive's first published paper on Sunspot activity, and a new class of models of tail-dependence in time series subject to jumps. *This Series: Aids in the diffusion of new econometric techniques * Emphasis is placed on expositional clarity and ease of assimilation for readers who are unfamiliar with a given topic of a volume *Illustrates new concepts
Dek Terrell is a Professor at Louisiana State University.Dr. Tom Fomby is an applied econometrician whose broad research interests include macroeconomics (including the validation of leading indicators for growth in national and regional economics with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), the analysis of social networks and their impacts on food insecurity of children (with a Hunger Center Grant), predictive analytics as applied to crime prevention (with the Dallas Police Department and the SMU Computer Science Department), count and panel models as applied to epidemiological data (with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center), growth aftermaths of natural disasters (with the World Bank), and analysis of return dependence via multivariate copulas (with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

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Econometric analysis of financial and economic time series - Part B

Econometric analysis of financial and economic time series - Part B

Dek Terrell, Thomas Fomby, R. Carter Hill

Advances in Econometrics

JAI Press



379 pages

3.06 MB


The editors are pleased to offer the following papers to the reader in recognition and appreciation of the contributions to our literature made by Robert Engle and Sir Clive Granger, winners of the 2003 Nobel Prize in Economics. The basic themes of this part of Volume 20 of Advances in Econometrics are time varying betas of the capital asset pricing model, analysis of predictive densities of nonlinear models of stock returns, modelling multivariate dynamic correlations, flexible seasonal time series models, estimation of long-memory time series models, the application of the technique of boosting in volatility forecasting, the use of different time scales in GARCH modelling, out-of-sample evaluation of the 'Fed Model' in stock price valuation, structural change as an alternative to long memory, the use of smooth transition auto-regressions in stochastic volatility modelling, the analysis of the "balanced-ness" of regressions analyzing Taylor-Type rules of the Fed Funds rate, a mixture-of-experts approach for the estimation of stochastic volatility, a modern assessment of Clive's first published paper on Sunspot activity, and a new class of models of tail-dependence in time series subject to jumps. *This Series: Aids in the diffusion of new econometric techniques *Emphasis is placed on expositional clarity and ease of assimilation for readers who are unfamiliar with a given topic of a volume *Illustrates new concepts
Dek Terrell is a Professor at Louisiana State University.Dr. Tom Fomby is an applied econometrician whose broad research interests include macroeconomics (including the validation of leading indicators for growth in national and regional economics with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas), the analysis of social networks and their impacts on food insecurity of children (with a Hunger Center Grant), predictive analytics as applied to crime prevention (with the Dallas Police Department and the SMU Computer Science Department), count and panel models as applied to epidemiological data (with the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center), growth aftermaths of natural disasters (with the World Bank), and analysis of return dependence via multivariate copulas (with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.

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Outliers: The Story of Success

Outliers: The Story of Success

Malcolm Gladwell


Back Bay Books



336 pages

4.04 MB


In this stunning new book, Malcolm Gladwell takes us on an intellectual journey through the world of "outliers"--the best and the brightest, the most famous and the most successful. He asks the question: what makes high-achievers different?

His answer is that we pay too much attention to what successful people are like, and too little attention to where they are from: that is, their culture, their family, their generation, and the idiosyncratic experiences of their upbringing. Along the way he explains the secrets of software billionaires, what it takes to be a great soccer player, why Asians are good at math, and what made the Beatles the greatest rock band.

Brilliant and entertaining, Outliers is a landmark work that will simultaneously delight and illuminate.
Malcolm Gladwell is the author of five New York Times bestsellers — The Tipping Point, Blink,Outliers, What the Dog Saw, and David and Goliath. He is also the co-founder of Pushkin Industries, an audio content company that produces the podcasts Revisionist History, which reconsiders things both overlooked and misunderstood, and Broken Record, where he, Rick Rubin, and Bruce Headlam interview musicians across a wide range of genres. Gladwell has been included in the TIME 100 Most Influential People list and touted as one of Foreign Policy’s Top Global Thinkers.

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Business & Economics - Management & Leadership

Books›Science & Math›Mathematics

Mathématiques tout-en-un ECS 2e année - Cours et exercices corrigés - 2e édition

Mathématiques tout-en-un ECS 2e année - Cours et exercices corrigés - 2e édition

André Warusfel, Christian Gautier, Collectif





635 pages

5.42 MB


Cet ouvrage couvre en un seul volume la totalité des programmes de mathématiques de la 2e année des classes préparatoires économiques et commerciales. Il concerne principalement la filière scientifique, mais pourra être également utilisé avec profit par les élèves de la filière économique ainsi que par les élèves des classes préparatoires BCPST et B/L. Dans cette deuxième édition revue et corrigée, tous les corrigés des exercices sont présents en fin d'ouvrage.
Conçu comme ouvrage de référence, ce livre propose à son lecteur une vision globale du cours dans le strict respect des programmes. Il se compose de 13 chapitres s'articulant autour de quatre grands thèmes : compléments d'algèbre linéaire, algèbre bilinéaire, analyse, probabilités, statistiques, informatique. De nombreux exercices et problèmes complètent le cours, ce qui permet au futur candidat de s'entraîner efficacement dans l'optique des concours.

    • Compléments d'algèbre linéaire
    • Algèbre bilinéaire
    • Intégration sur un intervalle quelconque
    • Eléments de topologie de Rn
    • Fonctions de n variables, continuité
    • Fonctions de n variables : calcul différentiel
    • Extremums
    • Variables aléatoires réelles et discrètes
    • Vecteurs aléatoires discrets
    • Variables aléatoires réelles à densité
    • Convergences
    • Estimation
    • Interventions informatiques

Christian Gautier : ancien élève de l'école normale supérieure de Saint-Cloud, il est professeur au lycée La Bruyère à Versailles.

André Warusfel : ancien élève de l'école normale supérieure de la rue d'Ulm, il a été professeur de Mathématiques spéciales au lycée Louis-le-Grand à Paris et inspecteur général de mathématiques.

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