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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est PHYSIQUE. Afficher tous les articles

Deterministic Numerical Methods for Unstructured-Mesh Neutron Transport Calculation

Author(s):Liangzhi Cao, Hongchun Wu
Publisher:Woodhead Publishing
Langue: English
Pages: 288 pages
Size:8.93 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Les **méthodes numériques** sont des techniques mathématiques et informatiques utilisées pour résoudre des problèmes complexes qui ne peuvent pas être résolus analytiquement ou de manière exacte. Elles jouent un rôle essentiel dans de nombreux domaines de l'ingénierie, de la physique, de l'économie, des sciences de la vie et dans bien d'autres disciplines. Ces méthodes permettent de simuler, d'approximer ou de calculer des solutions à des problèmes complexes en utilisant des ordinateurs. ### Types de Méthodes Numériques 1. **Méthodes de Résolution d'Équations** - **Méthodes itératives** : Ce sont des méthodes qui génèrent une séquence de solutions successives qui convergent vers la solution exacte, comme la méthode de Newton-Raphson ou la méthode du gradient. - **Méthodes directes** : Ces méthodes donnent une solution exacte en un nombre fini d'étapes, comme la méthode de Gauss ou la méthode de Cramer pour les systèmes d'équations linéaires. 2. **Méthodes de Différenciation et d'Intégration** - **Différenciation numérique** : Ces techniques permettent de calculer des dérivées à partir de valeurs discrètes. Les méthodes courantes incluent les différences finies et les schémas d'Euler. - **Intégration numérique** : Elles servent à estimer des intégrales, notamment par la méthode des trapèzes ou la méthode de Simpson, qui sont particulièrement utiles pour les intégrales qui ne peuvent pas être résolues analytiquement. 3. **Méthodes de Résolution d'Équations aux Dérivées Partielles (EDP)** - **Méthodes des éléments finis (MEF)** : Une des techniques les plus utilisées pour résoudre des problèmes de physique appliquée, comme la mécanique des fluides, la thermique ou la mécanique des structures. - **Méthodes des différences finies** : Cette méthode est utilisée pour approximations des solutions d'EDP en discrétisant le domaine en une grille régulière. 4. **Méthodes de Simulation Monte Carlo** - Ces méthodes utilisent des échantillons aléatoires pour estimer des solutions à des problèmes qui sont difficiles ou impossibles à résoudre analytiquement, comme dans les simulations de systèmes physiques complexes ou dans la finance. 5. **Méthodes d'Optimisation Numérique** - Elles sont utilisées pour trouver des solutions optimales à des problèmes, qu'il s'agisse de minimiser une fonction de coût ou de maximiser une fonction de profit, et incluent des méthodes comme la descente de gradient, l'algorithme génétique et les méthodes de programmation linéaire. 6. **Méthodes de Résolution Numérique de Problèmes Inverses** - Les problèmes inverses consistent à estimer des paramètres inconnus d'un modèle à partir de données observées. Cela inclut des méthodes comme la régression linéaire, les moindres carrés et d'autres techniques d'approximation. ### Applications des Méthodes Numériques - **Ingénierie** : Résolution de problèmes mécaniques, thermiques, acoustiques et électromagnétiques, simulation de structures complexes, calculs de résistance des matériaux, etc. - **Physique** : Simulation de phénomènes physiques (mécanique des fluides, diffusion thermique, interactions électromagnétiques). - **Économie et Finance** : Modélisation des risques financiers, optimisation de portefeuilles, calculs d'options, prévision économique. - **Biologie** : Modélisation de processus biologiques complexes, comme la croissance tumorale ou la propagation de maladies. - **Astronomie et Astronautique** : Résolution de modèles de trajectoires spatiales, simulation de phénomènes astronomiques. ### Conclusion Les méthodes numériques sont essentielles dans le monde moderne pour aborder des problèmes complexes où les méthodes analytiques traditionnelles échouent ou sont trop coûteuses. Elles permettent d'obtenir des résultats approximatifs mais précis, souvent en un temps réduit, et sont au cœur des avancées technologiques actuelles. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger Deterministic Numerical Methods for Unstructured-Mesh Neutron Transport Calculation EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU . Download Deterministic Numerical Methods for Unstructured-Mesh Neutron Transport Calculation EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU .

Biological physics (free web version, Dec. 2002)

Author(s):Philip Nelson
Publisher:W. H. Freeman
Langue: English
Pages: 518 pages
Size:9.36 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] **Biological Physics** is a dynamic field that explores the intersection of physics and biology, focusing on the physical principles underlying biological processes. Recent advances in molecular motors, self-assembly, and single-molecule manipulation have transformed the field, providing new insights into the mechanics of life at the molecular level. This textbook not only highlights these groundbreaking developments but also integrates them with classical principles to provide a comprehensive understanding of biological systems. In addition, it introduces foundational material crucial for the emerging field of nanotechnology. The book is designed with a self-contained core, making it accessible to undergraduate students who have completed one year of calculus-based physics. For those with a deeper background in physics, additional "Track-2" sections offer more advanced material, making it suitable for senior physics majors and graduate students as well. ### Are you teaching or considering a course in Biological Physics? If you are planning to teach or are currently teaching a course in this exciting field, you might find Phil Nelson's **"To The Instructor"** especially helpful. In this section, Nelson provides valuable insights and suggestions for instructors, outlining how to effectively teach Biological Physics and make the most of the textbook's approach. You can access this instructor's guide [**here**](http://www.bfwpub.com/pdfs/nelson/NelsonToTheInstructor.pdf). Whether you're new to teaching or experienced in the field, the instructor's guide can help you better navigate the complexities of Biological Physics and deliver a more engaging, effective course. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Particle Physics Brick by Brick: Atomic and Subatomic Physics Explained... In LEGO

Author(s):Dr. Ben Still
Publisher:Firefly Books
Langue: English
177 Pages: pages
Size:226.83 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] *Particle Physics Brick by Brick* offers a simple and engaging introduction to the building blocks of the universe. In 2014, the Lego® Group sold 62 billion Lego® pieces—enough for every person on Earth to have 102 bricks. Yet, this is nothing compared to the estimated seven billion billion billion atoms that make up each of us, or the vast number of atoms in the observable universe, which stretches into the quadrillions. Despite the complexity of atomic and subatomic physics, understanding the universe’s fundamental components doesn't have to be overwhelming. Lego® bricks provide a perfect way to visualize and grasp the structure of the universe, down to its tiniest elements. This book introduces the Standard Model of Physics—the "rulebook" of the universe—proven and refined over decades of study since its development in the mid-20th century. Today, physicists focus on the gaps and unanswered questions that remain in the model. In clear, concise chapters, *Particle Physics Brick by Brick* uses Lego® bricks to represent atomic particles such as neutrons, leptons, and quarks, allowing readers to assemble these "bricks" and observe their relationships and interactions. This hands-on approach makes particle physics more tangible and accessible. The book is structured as follows: 1. **Building Blocks and Construction Rules** 2. **Building a Universe** 3. **Electromagnetism and QED (Quantum Electrodynamics)** 4. **The Strong Force and QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics)** 5. **The Weak Force and Breaking Symmetries** 6. **Broken Symmetry and Mass** 7. **Problems with Ghosts** 8. **Violated Symmetry** 9. **The Future** *Particle Physics Brick by Brick* serves as an excellent starting point for anyone interested in understanding the atomic world, its fundamental particles, and how they interact. By using the visual and tangible analogy of Lego® bricks, the book makes the abstract and unseen world of particle physics more approachable and easier to comprehend. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Single Molecule Chemistry and Physics, An Introduction

Author(s):Chen Wang, Chunli Bai
Langue: English
Pages: 303 pages
Size:6.68 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Characterizing individual molecules has been a scientifically intriguing and challenging endeavor for decades, and it continues to be so today. Recent technological advancements have significantly enhanced our understanding of the structure and behavior of single atoms and molecules in different environments. This book offers an introduction to the key experimental and theoretical methods for characterizing and imaging single molecules, including scanning tunneling and atomic force microscopy of surface-bound molecules, fluorescence studies, near-field optical microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Additionally, it explores newly discovered properties of single-molecule systems and their importance in the rapidly evolving field of nanotechnology. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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The Physician's Pocket Lawyer

Author(s):Charles Ellington, John Bradley,
Langue: English
Pages: 91 pages
Size:1.04 MB

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Key-Words: Télécharger EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU The Physician's Pocket Lawyer. Download EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU The Physician's Pocket Lawyer.

Electron crystallography: novel approaches for structure determination of nanosized materials

Author(s):Thomas E. Weirich
Langue: English
Pages: 536 pages
Size:11.17 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"] During the last decade we have been witness to several exciting achievements in electron crystallography. This includes structural and charge density studies on organic molecules complicated inorganic and metallic materials in the amorphous, nano-, meso- and quasi-crystalline state and also development of new software, tailor-made for the special needs of electron crystallography. Moreover, these developments have been accompanied by a now available new generation of computer controlled electron microscopes equipped with high-coherent field-emission sources, cryo-specimen holders, ultra-fast CCD cameras, imaging plates, energy filters and even correctors for electron optical distortions. Thus, a fast and semi-automatic data acquisition from small sample areas, similar to what we today know from imaging plates diffraction systems in X-ray crystallography, can be envisioned for the very near future. This progress clearly shows that the contribution of electron crystallography is quite unique, as it enables to reveal the intimate structure of samples with high accuracy but on much smaller samples than have ever been investigated by X-ray diffraction. As a tribute to these tremendous recent achievements, this NATO Advanced Study Institute was devoted to the novel approaches of electron crystallography for structure determination of nanosized materials. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Finite size effects in correlated electron models: exact results

Author(s): Andrei A. Zvyagin
Publisher:Imperial College Press
Langue: English
Pages: 367 pages
Size:2.15 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] This book provides exact results for one-dimensional models of strongly correlated electrons, including quantum spin models, in a clear and concise format. It includes significant findings related to magnetic and hybridization impurities in electron hosts, along with original results for disordered ensembles of impurities in interacting systems. These models are relevant to various low-dimensional electron systems commonly explored in nanophysics and microelectronics. A key feature of the book is its introduction of the Bethe Ansatz (BA), an essential method in modern theoretical and mathematical physics. Different forms of the BA are presented for both periodic and open quantum chains, including coordinate BA, thermodynamic BA, nested BA, algebraic BA, and thermal BA. Additionally, the book offers a succinct overview of other theoretical methods, such as scaling, conformal field theory, and both Abelian and non-Abelian bosonizations. It is designed as a textbook for graduate students studying non-perturbative methods in low-dimensional quantum many-body theory. Furthermore, it serves as a valuable reference for qualified physicists and non-experts interested in low-dimensional physics, providing the foundational material necessary for further exploration of exactly solvable quantum models and correlated electron systems. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger Finite size effects in correlated electron models: exact results EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU . Download Finite size effects in correlated electron models: exact results EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU .

Electron beams and microwave vacuum electronics

Author(s):Shulim E. Tsimring
Langue: English
Pages: pages
Size:6.54 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"] This book delves into a key aspect of vacuum electronics: the intense interplay between electron beam physics and vacuum microwave electronics, including millimeter-wave technology. The author takes readers on a journey from the foundational concepts of classical vacuum electronics to the latest advancements in the field. Particular emphasis is placed on the physics and theory surrounding relativistic beams and microwave devices, as well as the theory and applications of specific devices. By combining theoretical insights with practical applications, the book provides a comprehensive understanding of both the principles and innovations in vacuum electronics. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Quantum chemistry of solids: the LCAO first principles treatment of crystals

Author(s):Robert A. Evarestov
Langue: English
Pages: 557 pages
Size:5.92 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"] Quantum Chemistry of Solids provides an in-depth exploration of the Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals (LCAO) methods for first-principles calculations of the electronic structure in periodic systems. The book is structured into two main parts: 1. Theoretical Foundations: This section lays out the fundamental theory behind LCAO methods as applied to periodic systems. It covers wave-function-based approaches (like Hartree-Fock), density functional theory (DFT), and hybrid Hamiltonians. The author discusses how translation and site symmetry relate k-space solid-state physics to real-space quantum chemistry, utilizing a cyclic model of infinite crystals. Additionally, the text addresses electron correlation effects in periodic systems through localized crystalline orbitals and highlights the capabilities of LCAO methods for analyzing chemical bonding in these systems. 2. Applications: The second part focuses on practical applications of LCAO methods, particularly in calculating the properties of bulk crystals. Topics include magnetic ordering and crystal structure optimization. The author presents case studies, including supercell calculations of point defects in non-metallic solids and the electronic structure of crystalline surfaces, demonstrating the effectiveness of LCAO methods in solid-state contexts. Overall, the book serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers and students interested in the quantum chemistry of solids, providing both theoretical insights and practical applications. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Comprendre la mécanique

Auteur(s):Jean-Pierre Romagnan
Editeur: EDP Sciences
Pages:332 pages
Taille:12.15 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"] Cet ouvrage est destiné aux étudiants de Licence (L1 et L2) ainsi qu'aux élèves des classes préparatoires. Bien que l'étude de la Mécanique ne soit pas une fin en soi, son enseignement est essentiel, car il est très formateur pour les futurs physiciens. Cependant, de nombreux étudiants se sentent découragés face à des présentations qui utilisent un formalisme mathématique qu'ils maîtrisent mal. C'est pour répondre à ce besoin que cet ouvrage a été conçu. Chaque chapitre est divisé en deux parties distinctes : La première partie permet à tout bachelier scientifique de comprendre les concepts essentiels à travers une approche qualitative. Ces sections couvrent le programme de Mécanique généralement enseigné en L1. La seconde partie propose une présentation plus formelle, permettant au lecteur d'approfondir ses connaissances, ce qui sera utile pour ceux qui préparent des concours.Chaque chapitre se termine par une série d'exercices et de problèmes, accompagnés de corrections détaillées. En plus des chapitres traditionnels d'un cours de Mécanique — tels que la cinématique, les lois de Newton, l'énergie mécanique, l'oscillateur, la quantité de mouvement et la gravitation — cet ouvrage inclut également des chapitres sur la mécanique des solides et sur les ondes mécaniques. [/content] [content title="Sommaire"] [/content] [content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"] [/content] [/tab]

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Physique 2 : électricité et magnétisme

Auteur(s):René Lafrance, Jean Parent
Editeur:Chenelière Education
Pages:476 pages
Taille:42.53 MB

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Sur la route de l'electricite : Tome 1, Le magnetisme des aimants et l'electricite statique

Auteur(s):Pierre Langlois, Jean-Rene Roy
Pages: 92 pages
Taille:7 MB

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Formulaires et tables

Author(s):Commissions romandes de mathématique, de physique et de chimie
Publisher:CRM Diffusion
Langue: English
Pages: 288 pages
Size:9.3 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"]Le **« Formulaires et tables »** en mathématiques, physique et chimie, réalisé par les Commissions romandes de ces disciplines, représente un outil essentiel pour les élèves et étudiants. Destiné principalement aux élèves des écoles secondaires romandes, ce recueil de formulaires et de tables offre une référence précieuse.Cependant, certaines matières dépassent les exigences de la maturité fédérale. Cette extension s'avère bénéfique pour de nombreux étudiants universitaires ou ceux des Hautes Écoles. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Physique Durandeau 1re S - Livre du professeur

Physique Durandeau 1re S - Livre du professeur
Auteur(s): Jean-Pierre Durandeau, Vincent Besnard, Paul Bramand, Philippe Faye, Collectif
Collection: Durandeau
Editeur: Hachette
Année: 01/08/2005
Pages:144 pages
Taille:2.50 MB

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Livres › Scolaire & pédagogie › Manuels scolaires › Lycée général et technologique › Première générale › Physique, Chimie

Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié (Version préliminaire)

Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié

André Durupthy, Odile Durupthy, Alain Jaubert





291 pages

162 MB



[content title="Description"] [/content]

[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"] [/content]


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Livres › Scolaire & pédagogie › Manuels scolaires › Lycée général et technologique › Terminale générale › Physique, Chimie

Incertitudes et analyse des erreurs dans les mesures physiques - avec exercices corrigés

Incertitudes et analyse des erreurs dans les mesures physiques - avec exercices corrigés

John Taylor

Masson sciences




334 pages

52.6 MB



[content title="Description"]Cet ouvrage réputé de John Taylor, déjà traduit en huit langues et enfin disponible en français, traite du vaste sujet des incertitudes. Il s'adresse aux étudiants des premier et deuxième cycles de physique ainsi qu'aux étudiants en écoles d'ingénieurs. Il intéressera également les ingénieurs en exercice. Ne supposant aucune connaissance particulière, l'auteur présente l'analyse des incertitudes par des exemples concrets tirés du quotidien ou d'expériences scientifiques célèbres. Des exercices d'application émaillent le texte sous forme de tests de compréhension. Chaque chapitre se termine par une série d'exercices supplémentaires, dont les corrigés se trouvent en fin d'ouvrage.[/content]

[content title="Sommaire"]

  • Description préliminaire de l'analyse des

  • Evaluation et usage des incertitudes.

  • Propagation des incertitudes.

  • Analyse statistique des incertitudes aléatoires.

  • La distribution normale.

  • Elimination de données.

  • Moyennes pondérées.

  • Ajustement par moindres carrés.

  • Covariance et corrélation.

  • La distribution binomiale.

  • La distribution de Poisson.

  • Le test du X2 pour une distribution.


[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"]JOHN TAYLOR est directeur du département de physique à l'université du Colorado à Boulder. [/content]


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Livres › Médecine, sciences, techniques › Physique, chimie & biologie › Physique › Mesure

Precisely predictable Dirac observables

Precisely predictable Dirac observables

Cordes H.-O.





251 pages

1.66 MB



[content title="Description"]This work presents a "Clean Quantum Theory of the Electron", based on Dirac’s equation. "Clean" in the sense of a complete mathematical explanation of the well known paradoxes of Dirac’s theory, and a connection to classical theory, including the motion of a magnetic moment (spin) in the given field, all for a charged particle (of spin ½) moving in a given electromagnetic field.
This theory is relativistically covariant, and it may be regarded as a mathematically consistent quantum-mechanical generalization of the classical motion of such a particle, à la Newton and Einstein. Normally, our fields are time-independent, but also discussed is the time-dependent case, where slightly different features prevail. A "Schroedinger particle", such as a light quantum, experiences a very different (time-dependent) "Precise Predictablity of Observables". An attempt is made to compare both cases. There is not the Heisenberg uncertainty of location and momentum; rather, location alone possesses a built-in uncertainty of measurement. [/content]

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Cordes H.-O. is physician . [/content]


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From the Sun to the Great Attractor : 1999 Guanajuato Lectures on Astrophysics

From the Sun to the Great Attractor : 1999 Guanajuato Lectures on Astrophysics

Dermott J. Mullan , Dany Page, Jorge G. Hirsch

Lecture Notes in Physics 556

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heide



348 pages

2.49 MB



[content title="Description"]The enormous advances in observational techniques over the last two decades has produced a wealth of data and unexpected discoveries which have helped to reshape astrophysics as a field with well-formulated theories and sophisticated numerical calculations. In nuclear particle physics, plasma physics, as well as in general relativity, the Universe has become a laboratory for cutting-edge research. The courses collected in the book are intended to provide students with this insight, giving a general background on each topic such as cosmic rays, nuclear and neutrino astrophysics, solar physics and strong fields, as well as a presentation of the current research and open problems. The book is aimed at graduate students in physics and astrophysics, as well as researchers, bridging a gap between the specialized reviews and the comprehensive books.


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[content title="About the author"]Dermott J. Mullan is a professor in the Bartol Research Institute, Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware. [/content]


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Environmental Biotechnology Principles and Applications

Environmental Biotechnology Principles and Applications

Gareth M. Evans, Judith C. Furlong





302 pages

3.38 MB



[content title="Description"]Biotechnology has come to play an increasingly important role in many aspects of everyday life. Once an expensive and largely unfamiliar option, it has now become a realistic alternative to many established approaches for manufacturing, land remediation, pollution control and waste management. The application of biologically-engineered solutions to environmental problems has become far more readily acceptable in principle and biotechnology, in general, more widely understood, but there remains some uncertainty amongst practitioners regarding how and where the microscopic, functional level fits into the macroscopic, practical applications. It is precisely this gap which the book sets out to fill. Environmental Biotechnology: theory and application takes a thematic and environmentally focused approach, and breaks away from traditional rigid divisions to provide a unified exposition of the subject and an accurate reflection of environmental biotechnology in current practice. Dividing the topic into logical strands covering pollution, waste and manufacturing, the book examines the potential for biotechnological interventions and current industrial practice, with the underpinning microbial techniques and methods described, in context, against this background. Each chapter is supported by located case studies from a range of industries and countries to provide readers with an overview of the range of applications for biotechnology. This book is essential reading material for undergraduates and Masters students taking modules in Biotechnology or Pollution Control as part of Environmental Science, Environmental Management or Environmental Biology programmes. It is also suitable for professionals involved with water, waste management and pollution control.

[content title="Content"] [/content]

[content title="About the author"]Gareth M. Evans is an engineer. [/content]


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Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics : The Art of Analyzing and Modeling Spatial Structures

 Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics : The Art of Analyzing and Modeling Spatial Structures

Dietrich Stoyan, Klaus R. Mecke, Dietrich Stoyan

Lecture Notes in Physics 554

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg



420 pages

2.82 MB



[content title="Description"]Modern physics is confronted with a large variety of complex spatial patterns. Although both spatial statisticians and statistical physicists study random geometrical structures, there has been only little interaction between the two up to now because of different traditions and languages.
This volume aims to change this situation by presenting in a clear way fundamental concepts of spatial statistics which are of great potential value for condensed matter physics and materials sciences in general, and for porous media, percolation and Gibbs processes in particular. Geometric aspects, in particular ideas of stochastic and integral geometry, play a central role throughout. [/content]

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[content title="About the author"]Dietrich Stoyan (born 1940, Germany) — mathematician, statistician; student of Mathematics at Technical University Dresden; applied research at Deutsches Brennstoffinstitut Freiberg, 1967 PhD, 1975 Habilitation. Since 1976 at TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Rektor of that university in 1991—1997; he became famous by his statistical research of the diffusion of euro coins in Germany and Europe after the introduction of the euro in 2002. [/content]


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