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Principles of Life Insurance - 2nd Edition

Principles of Life Insurance
Author(s):Shrikrishna Laxman Karve
Publisher:Himalaya Publishing House
Langue: English
Pages: 143 pages
Size:5.19 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"]This is a Textbook for Post-graduate Diploma in .This Text-Book prepared as a part of Study course for post graduate diploma in Insurance would be found useful also to a layman who wants to know about the basics of Life Insurance. It will satisfy the needs of students population I general as well. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"]Dr. Shrikrishna Laxman Karve, Retired Deputy Secretary (Marketing), Central Office, Life Insurance Corporation of India is a prolific Writer on Life Insurance. He has about dozen Insurance Books (English-Marathi) to his Credit. He has written a few non-Insurance Books as well, more especially in the area of language [/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger Principles of Life Insurance EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU. Download Principles of Life Insurance EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU. Business & Economics - Professional Finance

Investing in Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities, + Website: Financial Modeling with R and Open Source Analytics

Investing in Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities, + Website: Financial Modeling with R and Open Source Analytics
Author(s): Glenn M. Schultz, Frank J. Fabozzi
Collection: 1
Langue: English
Pages: 416 pages
Size:11.44 MB
Extension: PDF

[tab] [content title="Summary"]
A complete guide to investing in and managing a portfolio of mortgage- and asset-backed securities

Mortgage- and asset-backed securities are not as complex as they might seem. In fact, all of the information, financial models, and software needed to successfully invest in and manage a portfolio of these securities are available to the investment professional through open source software. Investing in Mortgage and Asset-Backed Securities + Website shows you how to achieve this goal.

The book draws entirely on publicly available data and open source software to construct a complete analytic framework for investing in these securities. The analytic models used throughout the book either exist in the quantlib library, as an R package, or are programmed in R and incorporated into the analytic framework used.

  • Examines the valuation of fixed-income securities—metrics, valuation framework, and return analysis
  • Covers residential mortgage-backed securities—security cash flow, mortgage dollar roll, adjustable rate mortgages, and private label MBS
  • Discusses prepayment modeling and the valuation of mortgage credit
  • Presents mortgage-backed securities valuation techniques—pass-through valuation and interest rate models

Engaging and informative, this book skillfully shows you how to build, rather than buy, models and proprietary analytical platforms that will allow you to invest in mortgage- and asset-backed securities.

[/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"]Glenn Schultz has over 25 year of securitization experience. He has worked on the research and securtization teams of Banc One Capital Markets, LLC, JP Morgan, Wachovia and Well Fargo Securities, LLC. His primary expertise is the securitization of Mortgage and Consumer Asset Backed Securities. While at Banc One, Glenn co-headed the residential ABS securitization business where he was awarded the 2003 IDD/ASR most innovative ABS transaction of the year. He served as the Head of Consumer ABS and Mortgage Research for Wells Fargo Securities where he led the Consumer ABS research team to a top 5 institutional investor all star ranking and a top 5 non-agency prepayment strategy ranking. Glenn is the founder of Bond Lab Technologies, Inc. His philosophy is straightforward, mortgage and asset backed securities are not too difficult to understand - once you master their complexities. In fact, all the data and models needed to successfully manage a portfolio of mortgage and asset backed securities are freely available via open source data and computing. Since 2013 Glenn has worked on developing Bond Lab an open source program for the analysis and management of mortgage and asset backed securities. The analytic and valuation models presented in Investing in Mortgage Backed and Asset Backed Securities Using R and Open Source Analytics were performed using Bond Lab and open source mortgage performance data provided by FNMA, FHLMC, and GNMA. The version of Bond Lab used to write the book is available on the Wiley site. The most recent version of Bond Lab is available on its github site https://github.com/glennmschultz/BondLab. please note that I am in process of refactoring the structuring tool to make the payment rules "human readable" and readers cannot replicate the structure securities examples in the book with the github version.[/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger Investing in Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities, + Website: Financial Modeling with R and Open Source Analytics EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU. Download Investing in Mortgage-Backed and Asset-Backed Securities, + Website: Financial Modeling with R and Open Source Analytics EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU. Business & Economics

The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities

The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities
Author(s): Fabozzi, Frank J
Collection: 7th
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Inc.,US
Year: 2016
Langue: English
Pages: 864 pages
Size: 7.29 MB

[tab] [content title="Summary"]This edition of The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities, the first revision following the subprime mortgage crisis, is designed to provide not only the fundamentals of these securities and the investment characteristics that make them attractive to a broad range of investors, but also extensive coverage on the state-of-the-art strategies for capitalizing on the opportunities in this market. The book is intended for both the individual investor and the professional manager. The volume includes contributions from a wide range of experts most of whom have been actively involved in the evolution of the mortgage-backed securities market. [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"]Frank J. Fabozzi is adjunct professor of finance at Yale University's School of Management. He is the author, co-author, or editor of literally dozens of titles on a plethora of investing topics. [/content] [/tab]

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Key-Words: Télécharger The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU. Download The Handbook of Mortgage-Backed Securities EBOOK PDF EPUB DJVU.

Business & Economics - Real Estate

Camino Ghosts: A Novel

Camino Ghosts: A Novel
Author(s): John Grisham
Collection: N/A
Publisher: Doubleday
Year: May 28, 2024
Langue: English
Pages: 304 pages
Size: 777 KB
Extension:EPUB, PDF

[tab] [content title="Summary"] [/content] [content title="Content"] [/content] [content title="Author(s)"]

John Grisham is the author of forty-seven consecutive #1 bestsellers, which have been translated into nearly fifty languages. His recent books include The Boys From Biloxi, The Judge's List, Sooley, and his third Jake Brigance novel, A Time for Mercy, which is being developed by HBO as a limited series.

Grisham is a two-time winner of the Harper Lee Prize for Legal Fiction and was honored with the Library of Congress Creative Achievement Award for Fiction.

When he's not writing, Grisham serves on the board of directors of the Innocence Project and of Centurion Ministries, two national organizations dedicated to exonerating those who have been wrongfully convicted. Much of his fiction explores deep-seated problems in our criminal justice system.

John lives on a farm in central Virginia.

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Physique Durandeau 1re S - Livre du professeur

Physique Durandeau 1re S - Livre du professeur
Auteur(s): Jean-Pierre Durandeau, Vincent Besnard, Paul Bramand, Philippe Faye, Collectif
Collection: Durandeau
Editeur: Hachette
Année: 01/08/2005
Pages:144 pages
Taille:2.50 MB

[tab] [content title="Description"] [/content] [content title="Sommaire"] [/content] [content title="Auteur(s)"] [/content] [/tab]

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Livres › Scolaire & pédagogie › Manuels scolaires › Lycée général et technologique › Première générale › Physique, Chimie

Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié (Version préliminaire)

Chimie Terminales C et E - Collection eurin-gié

André Durupthy, Odile Durupthy, Alain Jaubert





291 pages

162 MB



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[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"] [/content]


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Livres › Scolaire & pédagogie › Manuels scolaires › Lycée général et technologique › Terminale générale › Physique, Chimie

Atlas du monde global - 100 cartes pour comprendre un monde chaotique

Atlas du monde global - 100 cartes pour comprendre un monde chaotique

Pascal Boniface, Hubert Védrine
Jean-Pierre Magnier (Cartographe)


Armand Colin



160 pages

12.7 MB



[content title="Description"]

Le monde global, si complexe, est fait de risques mais aussi d'opportunités. Il est traversé par des courants contraires qui favorisent l'émergence d'une «communauté internationale» ou attisent les antagonismes avérés ou potentiels. Adossés à une cartographie d'une richesse exceptionnelle, les auteurs remettent de la logique là où il semble n'y avoir que chaos. Ils réintroduisent de la raison dans l'analyse de situations dont les médias ne nous font ressortir que les aspects angoissants.
Refusant le parti pris occidental, ils montrent qu'une des clés de l'avenir est de prendre en compte la diversité des visions du monde selon les pays et les peuples.

[content title="Sommaire"] [/content]

[content title="Auteur(s) de l'ouvrage"]

Pascal Boniface est directeur de l'IRIS, Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (iris-france.org). Il enseigne à l'Institut d'études européennes de l'Université Paris 8 et a écrit et dirigé une cinquantaine d'ouvrages. Hubert Vedrine a été à la présidence de la République de 1981 à 1995 successivement conseiller diplomatique, porte-parole puis Secrétaire général, et ministre des Affaires étrangères de 1997 à 2002.


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